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New Media Project

Ongoing (protected with legal rights):

Nowadays media creates a space and information which has an influence on our brains, our behavior patterns on individual and social levels. If we think about our world events and wars, the impact of media is immense, creating a change in our psychology and even damaging our society with toxic negative patterns. Thus I introduce a solution which would change this pattern

Please contact if you are interested!


Stack of Newspapers

Multiple Projects in Sustainability

All rights reserved by Microsoft

Leading creation and development with a cross- functional team during and outside of Microsoft Hackathons 2021 & 2022:

- Ideation and creation of the project concept; 

- Market research on customer's needs;

- Developing UX prototype;
- Testing;

- Developing a product strategy framework

Sustainable Feature Project image

Water Management Project

Ongoing (protected with legal rights):

Sustainable water system development, which would help to optimize water usage and  support UNDP SDG No. 6 goal: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Please contact if you are interested to join!


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